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Rideshare Accident Lawyer in New York

Rideshare Accident Lawyer in New York​

If you live in New York, then you are probably familiar with the hustle and bustle of NYC streets. Between people walking, bicycles, cars, rideshares, and buses, there are always people moving around.

This excitement can lead to chaos and, unfortunately, accidents. If you are looking for legal help after experiencing an accident in a rideshare, the team at Dervishi Law Group, P.C., can help. An experienced rideshare accident lawyer in New York can help you understand your rights, your options, and the legal processes after an accident. Reach out today for insight and support from New York’s experienced rideshare accident lawyers.

Rideshares in NYC

Rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft are some of the biggest apps in New York City. Many people in New York rely on rideshare apps for convenient last-minute transportation — booking the pickup location and dropoff point can all be done in one app. 

Rideshares are also convenient ways for people to find a sober ride home. One study finds that increased use of rideshares led to a 25% to 35% decrease in alcohol-related accidents in NYC.

Rideshare Accidents

There are some concerns with the increased use of rideshares. One of the leading causes of injury-related deaths in New York is motor vehicle accidents — including rideshare accidents. Rideshare drivers’ urgency to take their passengers to their destinations, combined with the stress of New York driving, can be a dangerous combination.

Common Causes of Rideshare Accidents

Driving through hectic New York streets can come with a lot of risks, including pedestrians, construction, and poor road conditions. Rideshare driving introduces some particular risks of its own. Some of the prevailing causes of accidents for rideshare drivers and passengers include:

  • Distracted driving. This is the number-one cause of car accidents in New York City, leading to 28,753 accidents in 2023. Rideshare apps require drivers to rely on their phones for pickups, dropoffs, navigation, and communication with passengers, creating extra distractions.
  • Vehicle issues. Rideshare drivers typically operate out of their own cars, meaning they are responsible for all maintenance, upkeep, and repairs, not their company.

No matter what caused the accident, if you are a victim of a rideshare accident, an NYC rideshare accident attorney can help you explore your options.

Common Injuries From Rideshare Accidents

Car accidents can lead to dangerous and sometimes fatal injuries, and rideshare accidents are no different. Each year, there is an average of 1,098 deaths from motor vehicle accident-related injuries in New York. Non-fatal injuries are also common in accidents.

  • Head injuries, which can be incredibly dangerous and cause brain trauma
  • Neck injuries, especially whiplash
  • Back and spine injuries
  • Broken bones

These injuries can be painful to experience and recover from. If you have been injured in an accident, contact a New York rideshare crash lawyer to learn more about how you may be able to seek damages for the expenses and pain that the accident caused you.

Liability in Rideshare Accidents

Because rideshare drivers use their personal vehicles to drive for a company, the question of liability can be complicated. The laws and regulations surrounding liability in car accidents haven’t always kept up with the realities of rideshare drivers and passengers. A rideshare injury attorney in New York can assist you in understanding New York’s laws and their relevance to your case.

Driver Operator Status

An important piece to consider after a rideshare accident is the driver’s operator status. Both Uber and Lyft have driver insurance policies that apply based on the status of the driver.

  • If the app is off, insurance companies and all parties treat it like a typical car accident. This means that the driver’s personal car insurance applies. 
  • If the app is on and the driver is able to accept requests, both Uber and Lyft offer some third-party liability insurance.
  • Both Uber and Lyft’s insurance plans are comprehensive if the app is on and the driver is en route or actively driving a passenger.

The insurance coverage depends on the specifics of the accident. The driver’s personal auto insurance may offer extra coverage, state and city laws may have extra regulations, and another party may be partially at fault. To help identify the particulars of your case, reach out to an NYC Uber or Lyft accident lawyer.

What To Do After an Accident

If you are a victim in a rideshare accident, there are a couple of steps you can take to help protect your rights and document evidence that may help you and your rideshare accident lawyer in New York later on.

At the Accident Site

Immediately after an accident, you may feel extremely distressed and overwhelmed. If at all possible, taking a couple of simple actions can help you a great deal later on. 

First, call 911 and stay at the site of the accident. When the police arrive, provide your name and information for the collision report. Take photos of the positions of the vehicles and any damage done to the vehicles and the surrounding area. 

Exchange contact information with all other parties involved in the accident, including the rideshare driver. Take note of all the license plates. Additionally, see if there were any witnesses to the accident. If so, ask them for their contact information. They may be able to provide your Lyft accident lawyer with a witness statement.

After the Accident

After the accident, seek immediate medical attention. Even if you feel fine, a medical professional may be able to identify any health impacts the accident had that you aren’t able to notice.

Seeking timely care can help prove that any injuries were the direct consequence of the accident and not anything else. Additionally, ensure you have a copy of the police report for your records. The report must be filed within 10 days.

Dealing with all of these small details can be incredibly overwhelming, especially if you are trying to focus on your physical recovery. On top of that stress, rideshare companies can be difficult to communicate with if you are seeking damages. Call an Uber accident lawyer to help you navigate your case and manage these communications with professionalism and care.

Reach Out Today to a New York Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Car accidents are always stressful experiences; with so many common distractions that cause car accidents and the busyness of New York streets, they are also increasingly common. Dealing with the unknowns that tend to come with rideshare car accidents can make the process even more difficult.

Dervishi Law Group, P.C., can provide support as you seek compensation and, if necessary, pursue legal action after an accident. Call our rideshare accident lawyers in New York today at 718-484-1757 to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to more common questions about scaffold accidents below.

If you file a personal injury claim for a scaffold accident, you can seek damages reimbursing you for lost wages, medical bills, assistive care, and more.

If you file a worker’s compensation claim for a scaffold accident, you can collect a weekly benefit equal to 2/3 of your average weekly pay times the percentage of disability based on your doctor’s evaluation. The minimum worker’s compensation amount in New York is $150 per week.

Third parties that may be liable for your scaffold accident include property owners, general contractors, and equipment manufacturers. A Bronx scaffold accident lawyer will help you determine liability for your case.

Quick Contact

Contact Info

Address 1:
2322 Arthur Ave., Suite 3A
Bronx, New York 10458

Address 2:
18 East 41st. Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY. 10017

Office: (718) 484-4757 
Cell: (917) 496-8342
Fax: (718) 484-4758

Contact Us at (718) 484-4757 or (917) 496-8342

If you have been injured in a scaffold accident, you should retain a New York City Personal Injury Law Firm with experienced New York scaffold accident attorneys to represent you and help protect your rights. At Dervishi law group, P.C., we have our own investigative team and act quickly to gather and preserve evidence.

Call us at (718) 484-4757  or (917) 496-8342 to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced scaffolding accident attorneys.