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Do I Need to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

Have you suffered a workplace injury? Are you wondering whether you should hire a workers’ compensation attorney? Whether or not you should hire a lawyer depends on the severity of your injury and the overall complexity of your case.


  • The injury was minor, such as a twisted ankle or a cut requiring a few stitches.
  • You missed little or no work due to your injury.
  • Your employer admits that the injury happened at work.

It is still advisable to contact a workers’ compensation attorney to help you through the legal process. He or she may alert you to potential pitfalls, as well as give you an honest appraisal of whether you can handle the case on your own.

When should I hire a workers’ compensation lawyer?

You should hire a workers’ compensation lawyer when:

Your employer denies your claim or you fail to receive your benefits promptly

Workers’ compensation claims are routinely rejected by employers and insurers thinking that many workers will fail to appeal. This is factually correct because up to 80% of individuals whose claims are denied fail to appeal the decision in court. Hire a workers’ compensation attorney to give you the best chance of receiving a fair settlement for your injuries.

Your employer retaliates against you for filing a workers’ compensation claim

If you have been fired or demoted, or if your employer has reduced your pay or engaged in any other form of discrimination because you filed a workers’ compensation claim, it is important that you hire a workers’ compensation attorney immediately.

Your employer’s settlement offer does not cover all lost wages or medical bills

If you think that your settlement offer is not good enough, do not rely on the workers’ compensation judge to make sure that you are getting a fair deal. A judge may sign off on any agreement as long as it is not grossly unfair. If you want to be fairly compensated, hire an attorney.

Your employer denies you disability benefits

If the work injury caused you permanent partial disability or permanent total disability, you may be entitled to lifetime weekly payments to make up for your lost wages. These can be expensive for insurance companies. Therefore, they may try to avoid paying you what you deserve. Hiring a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney is essential when there are permanent injuries or illness.

You have a potential third party claim

If you have suffered a work-related injury, you may be able to sue a third party whose negligence contributed to your injury through a third-party lawsuit. For instance, when a machine malfunction causes injury to a worker, he or she can file a third-party lawsuit against the manufacturer of the defective machine, separate from filing a workers’ compensation claim. An attorney will assist you in filing a third-party lawsuit.

Contact Bronx Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at the Dervishi Law Group, P.C.

If you have suffered a workplace injury, contact workers’ compensation attorneys at Dervishi Law Group, P.C. You can depend on our knowledge and expertise when it comes to receiving just compensation. Call us at (917) 496-8342 or (718) 484-4757  or email us at


About The Author

Picture of Fatos Dervishi, Esq.

Fatos Dervishi, Esq.

A personal injury attorney, with offices in the Bronx and Manhattan, Fatos Dervishi has years of experience handling cases in New York. Mr. Dervishi, who grew up in Albania, obtained his law degree in 1989 from the Tirana University School of Law. He then worked as a special agent of the General Investigations Office with an office in Tirana, before being elected Deputy Attorney General by the Albanian Parliament in 1994. He served as Deputy Attorney General of Albania from 1994 to 1998.

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Address 1:
2322 Arthur Ave., Suite 3A
Bronx, New York 10458

Address 2:
18 East 41st. Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY. 10017

Office: (718) 484-4757 
Cell: (917) 496-8342
Fax: (718) 484-4758