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What to Expect from a Motorcycle Accident Injury Settlement?

Motorcycle Accident Injury Settlement

Motorcycle drivers are more prone to road accidents than drivers of other vehicles. Motorcycle injuries are usually serious and may be traumatic. If you are hurt in a motorcycle accident, make a claim to recover losses suffered. You are entitled to an accident injury settlement if you are hurt due to the negligence of another. If you are not satisfied with the settlement, you may proceed legally to acquire your rightful compensation settlement.

Two questions should be considered and answered with the help of your attorney:

  1. Am I eligible for compensation?
  2. What is a fair settlement?

Consider the intensity of injuries suffered. Was there negligence involved?  Is there a permanent or temporary disability? Was there lost work time and lost wages, property loss, physical and mental suffering? An experienced motorcycle accident attorney can help you decide if your claim is valid, and what is fair compensation.

What Is the Value of My Settlement in a New York Motorcycle Accident Claim?

The value of a settlement in your New York motorcycle accident claim is the range of possibilities for what a jury would award if your case went to trial. It’s the range of possible outcomes that could happen if the jury decides the case.

Need help? Call Bronx NY Motorcycle Accident Attorney

New York motorcycle accident Attorney Fatos Dervishi has been successfully winning personal injury cases for victims in New York for many years. He is ready to fight for highest compensation in your motorcycle accident claim. Dervishi Law Group, P.C. will give you a free initial consultation. Call 718-619-4525 to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with the Attorney Fatos Dervishi.


About The Author

Picture of Fatos Dervishi, Esq.

Fatos Dervishi, Esq.

A personal injury attorney, with offices in the Bronx and Manhattan, Fatos Dervishi has years of experience handling cases in New York. Mr. Dervishi, who grew up in Albania, obtained his law degree in 1989 from the Tirana University School of Law. He then worked as a special agent of the General Investigations Office with an office in Tirana, before being elected Deputy Attorney General by the Albanian Parliament in 1994. He served as Deputy Attorney General of Albania from 1994 to 1998.

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Address 1:
2322 Arthur Ave., Suite 3A
Bronx, New York 10458

Address 2:
18 East 41st. Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY. 10017

Office: (718) 484-4757 
Cell: (917) 496-8342
Fax: (718) 484-4758